Well, it's been over a year since my last update. A year that I should've been able to finish the entire film in, but... well... this seems to be a recurring theme with my projects. Start it, get all excited, then somehow it slows down and fades a bit. However, there is another recurring theme... I "never give up." This is indeed one of the actual themes of my story "Down the Road", and it holds true beyond the film itself.
And while there were no updates for the past year... a lot has been done.
I'm not quite sure what state the script was in over a year ago, but it has undergone many revisions in recent months. Situations have changed, characters have changed, dialogue has changed. They were mostly minor changes, but important and hopefully powerful ones nonetheless. I have now come to a point where I truly feel I understand each of my characters, their histories, their personalities... their essence. I have revised the subtleties of their actions and dialogue, and I finally feel the script is at a point that I can just sit back, relax, and watch everything unfold. It's that moment in writing where your characters begin to write themselves, and the plot simply flows. It's that moment when you sit down... and everything just falls into place.
And so, after working on it for almost 5 years, I am finally finished with the script. It took me far too long, and I'm sure there's still things that could be better. In fact, I know there's things that could be better. But I feel I have captured what, in my opinion, is more important than any amount of tiny flaws combined... the essence. I am finally at that point where I can not only read my story... I can feel it. To see all the details in each moment, the subtleties of each character's personality, and how it all fits together. It took a lot of sleepless nights, and a lot of moments staring at the computer just racking my brain, but no matter what... it was always a work of love, and I'm truly happy with what it's become.
The script is DONE!
Let's film it!
- Erik (Director)