December 16, 2013

Editing Has Begun!

Back again.  Just finished my last semester in college, so now I can finally continue working on DtR.  I've been playing around with the footage for the last couple of months, but no serious editing.  Mostly I've just been organizing clips and syncing audio.  That is… until now!

Finally getting down to the nitty-gritty of editing and loving it!  Two rough cut scenes have been edited, one of which is almost ready for the visual effects and sound editing stages.  Below is a screenshot of my editing setup for that scene (click for bigger view):

Looking forward to posting more as it comes in.

- Erik (Director)

September 22, 2013

Massive Photo Update

Back again!  I've lagged behind quite a bit with these updates, but I'm finally back with a new one.  For the most part filming is finished; there's still a bit left with the main characters, and some additional insert scenes with minor characters, but the main bulk of filming is done.  Haven't gotten a chance to edit much now that college has started back up, but I'm very excited to start once I get some free time.

Anyway, for now I thought I'd share some stills from the past months of filming (sans the more spoiler-ish scenes, of course).  Enjoy!

And here's some behind the scenes photos as well.

Looking forward to sharing more during the post-production phase.

- Erik (Director)

June 24, 2013

First Day of Filming

Filming has finally begun!  The forecast said it would be cloudy today, so I jumped on the opportunity to begin filming.  Too bad the cloudiness won't last for more than a day or two, but I think I got some pretty good footage.

Here's some stills from today's shoot:

And so begins our journey... "Down the Road".

- Erik (Director)

May 18, 2013

Pre-Production Update

Summer is finally here!  I'm out of college for a bit now, so I can finally give all my focus and attention to "Down the Road".  Here's the newest update:

Still in the pre-production phase.  A lot of scheduling to do, securing locations, actors, etc.  Here's the breakdown:

For the most part, the actors are secured.  There's still a few roles I need to fill, but they're mostly just minor roles that I can probably film separately after the main bulk of the production has been shot.

My next step may be location scouting for some thick, woodsy locations, which play a key role in the film.  Still in search of a few streets that could work for the type of town I'm trying to create as well.  However, the main location I still need to secure is something that could work as a detective's office (my main concern right now, above all other pre-production aspects).

There are also a lot of tests I'd like to perform to get the right look and feel down for the film, as well as how to create realistic rain during non-rainy days, how to create fog when there is none, cloudy days when it's bright and sunny, etc.  I also need to figure out my camera's capabilities with slow motion, which I'd like to have for a few shots.

Other than that, a few props still need to be bought/created.

Here are some images to give a glimpse into the pre-production files that were created to organize everything.  (Click each image for full-size)

 And finally, I'll leave you with an excerpt from a marked-up script (the first three pages).

So, a lot still left to do in preparation.  But more work here in "pre"-production means more organization on set.

Anyway, that's all for now.  More to come soon!

- Erik (Director)

April 5, 2013

Script is DONE! Getting Back on the Project

Well, it's been over a year since my last update.  A year that I should've been able to finish the entire film in, but... well... this seems to be a recurring theme with my projects.  Start it, get all excited, then somehow it slows down and fades a bit.  However, there is another recurring theme...  I "never give up."  This is indeed one of the actual themes of my story "Down the Road", and it holds true beyond the film itself.

And while there were no updates for the past year... a lot has been done.

I'm not quite sure what state the script was in over a year ago, but it has undergone many revisions in recent months.  Situations have changed, characters have changed, dialogue has changed.  They were mostly minor changes, but important and hopefully powerful ones nonetheless.  I have now come to a point where I truly feel I understand each of my characters, their histories, their personalities... their essence.  I have revised the subtleties of their actions and dialogue, and I finally feel the script is at a point that I can just sit back, relax, and watch everything unfold.  It's that moment in writing where your characters begin to write themselves, and the plot simply flows.  It's that moment when you sit down... and everything just falls into place.

And so, after working on it for almost 5 years, I am finally finished with the script.  It took me far too long, and I'm sure there's still things that could be better.  In fact, I know there's things that could be better.  But I feel I have captured what, in my opinion, is more important than any amount of tiny flaws combined... the essence.   I am finally at that point where I can not only read my story... I can feel it.  To see all the details in each moment, the subtleties of each character's personality, and how it all fits together.  It took a lot of sleepless nights, and a lot of moments staring at the computer just racking my brain, but no matter what... it was always a work of love, and I'm truly happy with what it's become.

The script is DONE!

Let's film it!

- Erik (Director)